Natural Light Family Photographer, now in Geneva.

Archive for ‘January, 2017’

Domingo, 22 de Janeiro decidimos ir visitar um castelo aqui em Utrecht. Levamos 30 minutos de carro. Este castelo tem 56 hectares. Ele foi restaurado pelo artista Henri Copijn e o arquiteto Pierre Cuypers em 1895 (Cuypers* o mesmo arquiteto que fez a Estação Central de Amsterdam e o National Museum em Amsterdam). Ele trabalhou 20 anos na restauração deste castelo.

Sunday, 22 Jan we decided to visit a castle here in Utrecht. It took us 30 minutes by car. This castle has 56 hectares, it was restored by the artist Henri Copijn and the architect Pierre Cuypers in 1895. (Cuypers * the architect who designed the Amsterdam Central Station and the National Museum in Amsterdam). He worked 20 years restoring the castle.


Os jardins foram inspirados por clássicos jardins franceses. Como O barão Van Zuylen não teve paciência para esperar as árvores crescerem, ele trouxe árvores de 30 a 50 anos que foram transportadas e plantadas no local.

The gardens were inspired by French classic gardens. As Baron Van Zuylen did not have the patience to wait for the trees to grow, he brought 30 to 50 years old trees that were transported and planted on the spot.


Quem diz que não é legal turistar no inverno, né? Além dos jardins estarem lindos e calmos, as crianças se divertiram andando pelas águas congeladas, vendo animais e explorando os jardins.

Who says it’s not good to sightsee in the winter? Aside from the beautiful and peaceful gardens, the children enjoyed themselves by walking through the frozen waters, seeing animals and exploring the gardens.


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Our New Year was like that, with dear family around, a cold and brief walk to the city center, boys cooking, lots of food (not necessarily typical for the occasion), children running (and screaming) in the house, drawings, playings and sleeping kids, the smallest kid with fever, softwares updates, talks about the future… :)

Nosso Ano Novo foi assim, com família querida, com um passeio frio e rápido ao centro da cidade, homens cozinhando, muita comida (nada típica de Ano Novo), crianças correndo, gritando, desenhando e dormindo, a menorzinha com febre, instalando softwares, conversas sobre o futuro… :)


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